October 8, 2019
Come and see the UPQ device that solves the quality of electricity - micro power outages

Come and see the UPQ device that solves the quality of electricity - micro power outages
Are you solving problems with micro outages that cause damage in production? We have a solution for you to contact us and come to see how such a device works.
We have this device at our company, where we show it in operation, in load and simulation of outages with connected meters.
The UPQ (short-term voltage back-up systems - micro-outages) combines the advantages of an active filter and a backup source (super capacitors).
A unique solution from a Finnish manufacturer that combines the advantages of different power quality systems in one robust system. The Merus Power UPQ protects your manufacturing processes against power interruptions, voltage drops and overvoltages as well as harmonic and voltage losses. Overall improved power quality ensures smooth production processes.
Read more about Merus Power here.
Interested in presenting and demonstrating UPQ? In December 2019 and January 2020 we are planning presentations for more information write to
- December full
- January 7.1.2020
- others will follow
For the training, which will be 5.12.2019 are prepared test sequences for the presentation:
- Short-term failure of 0.5 s, resistive load P = 80 kW or 160 kW
- Short-term blackout of 0.5 s, mixed load P = 80 kW, Q = 50 kVAr capacitive
- Short-term failure of 1 s, resistive load P = 80 kW or 160 kW
- Short-term failure of 1 s, mixed load P = 80 kW, Q = 50 kVAr capacitive
- 5 s failure, resistive load P = 80 kW or 160 kW
- 5 s failure, mixed load P = 80 kW, Q = 50 kVAr capacitive
- 12% s voltage drop, resistive load P = 160 kW
- 12% s voltage drop, mixed load P = 80 kW, Q = 50 kVAr capacitive
We are working on others.