January 13, 2020
Tesar transformer for ČEZ Tušimice battery

Tesar transformer for ČEZ Tušimice battery
Our company supplied a dry transformer TESAR for the largest battery storage in the Czech Republic - ČEZ Tušimice, output 4MW, battery capacity 2.8MWh.
Specifications of specially made TESAR transformer - 4MVA power, 6kV / 2x434V conversion, outdoor installation in IP33 protection, 3 vignette design.
Delivery and commissioning was without problems. At present, the whole system is being tested for the requirements of the ČEPS operator - frequency deviation regulation.
Investor: ČEZ Tušimice,
general contractor: ČEZ Energetické Služby,
battery system supplier: IBG Czech Republic,
complete wiring and projection: ENERGO TUŠIMICE